
Each year we host one or more student interns for a week or more. This internship is usually part of the student’s educational requirements and consists of ‘shadowing’ the Chaplain and observing his daily activities. Interns are kept very busy and always find this experience to be exciting, educational and spiritually rewarding. If you are interested in applying for an internship, please go to the link below for an application.

Interns Kyle and Tara with Chaplain Dan and visiting guest Rev. Imbumi Makuku from Kenya.

Excerpts From an Intern’s Evaluation –

As with any new experience, I initially had some anxiety, not knowing what to expect of Carlisle, PA, the truck stop environment, the Chaplain or my fellow classmate. Upon arriving in Carlisle, I was somewhat lost. However, after a few wrong turns I found my way to the Petro Truck Stop. Not realizing how massive an area the truck stop consumed, upon entering the driveway there were no signs of a ministry trailer. I then drove to the farthest end of the grounds, and noticed a cross in the distance. This was the cross on the side of the Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry trailer. The experience reminded me of the old hymn, “At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light and the burdens of my heart rolled away…” Upon merely seeing that cross, much of my anxiety disappeared. I had been lost, but finally felt as though I had reached a familiar place. As I reflected on that initial experience, I thought about the lost sinner who finally sees the Light and accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Amazingly, my classmate and I had the opportunity to fulfill almost every aspect of the Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry’s Mission Statement. We provided a listening ear to a bereaved widower (84 year-old retired truck driver) who returned to the same breakfast spot each morning where he had eaten with his wife. We comforted a non-religious gentleman who was about to have major surgery. We prayed for a grieving, homeless man who sat helplessly waiting for a veterinarian, while watching his dog lay on the ground in agonizing pain. We provided counsel and spiritual guidance to a retired truck driver whom we visited in the hospital and later in a nursing home. We had a four-person worship service that included prayer, scripture, a mini-sermon and song. It was touching to see tears roll down the cheek of the 450 lb. wheelchair-bound, retired truck driver with a prosthetic leg. The Holy Spirit was in our midst. We also visited the Project Share warehouse, where we were able to receive several bags of groceries to pass along to truckers and others in need. In each of these instances, there were opportunities to share a ‘ministry of presence’ that simply involves being there. It may or may not involve prayer, song or a Bible lesson. However, it allows another person to feel God’s presence and comfort. In all that you do, God gets the glory and people are edified.

Download the Internship Application  internship-application-2017